
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ensure your classic car

To buy insurance for your classic car, it is important to understand the difference between the real value in cash and before the agreed value to make your purchase. Actual cash value is the normal way that insurance companies say cars, is based on replacement cost less depreciation. To ensure your car classic, you may wish to consider the agreed value. Agreed value is basically a quantity that is worth the drive from the insurer and the insured agreement. Be signed by both parties agree on the value. It is important to know that standard insurance companies may not be the best place to ensure your classic car. They sometimes put restrictions in your insurance, and perhaps worth looking at companies specializing in antique car insurance.

Ensure your car classic often comes with the additional terms which is not in the standard policies. They may include offering insurance only experienced drivers, just make sure drivers with records clean, does not ensure the most recent or teenage drivers and requiring proof that the car is garage – keep. Read More Ensure your classic car